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Public Pension Administration

Experience the transformative power of V3locity’s public pension administration solutions. Tailored for public pension management in the United States and Canada, V3locity offers an end-to-end software solution designed to streamline operations and elevate member services. Revolutionize your public pension fund management with V3locity.

Benefits Headline

Streamline Operations

V3locity is more than just a software platform; it’s a comprehensive toolset that empowers pension administrators to streamline their operations efficiently. By leveraging our cloud-native platform, pension funds can consolidate their processes into one seamless system, eliminating the need for multiple disparate solutions. With V3locity, administrative tasks become streamlined, allowing your team to focus on delivering exceptional service to your members.

Consolidate Fragmented Systems

V3locity addresses every aspect of the pension life cycle, from contract and rates management to final average salary calculations. Wage and contributions reporting, service credit purchases, refunds, buybacks, and loans are seamlessly integrated into our platform, providing administrators with the tools they need to efficiently manage pension funds.

Prioritize Member-Centric Service

V3locity comes equipped with easy-to-use self-service portals, empowering members to take control of their pension accounts with ease. From benefits enrollment to eligibility reporting for active and retired participants, V3locity ensures that members have access to the information they need, when they need it.

Enhance Benefits Management

In addition to pension administration, V3locity supports health and other benefits enrollment, premium collection, and eligibility reporting. With V3locity, pension funds can efficiently manage their entire benefits portfolio, providing members with comprehensive coverage and peace of mind.

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Transform Your Approach with Vitech

Simplify Modernization

Unlock the power of modernization and consolidation within a cloud-native, zero-footprint, SaaS offering, making rapid ecosystem modernization easier than ever before.

Enable Straight-Through Processing

Experience true straight-through processing with V3locity’s digital self-service portals seamlessly integrated with core benefit capabilities.

Receive Ongoing Production Support

At Vitech, our clients receive continuous support and training, ensuring satisfaction and success throughout their journey.

Partner with our Experienced Team

With over 20 years of successful implementations, our expert team ensures smooth adoption and minimizes potential hurdles in V3locity implementations.

Expertise, Support, and an Ongoing Relationship

At Vitech, we provide continuous support, training, and dedicated account management to ensure the success and satisfaction of our clients throughout their journey.

Embrace the SaaS Advantage

Our innovative Software as a Service (SaaS) model keeps clients current with the latest advancements, mitigating risks associated with technology obsolescence.

Enhance Security with AWS

Heighten security with our AWS-powered cloud-based solutions, aligning with industry standards for Single Sign-On (SSO) and seamless technology adoption.

Product Lines We Serve

By choosing Vitech, you invest in cutting-edge technology and secure a strategic partnership for your organization’s growth, adaptability, and success in the ever-evolving group insurance market.

Life & AD&D
Absence Management
Paid Family / Medical Leave
Critical Illness
Hospital Indemnity
Extended Health Care
Health Spending Account
Wellness Account
Cost Plus
Value Added Services

Our Solutions

Core Administration
Data Analytics
Digital Self Service
Claims Processing
Campaign Management

Transform Your Administration Systems

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